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Letter from “The Women’s Free Voice Collective”
open letterLetter from "The Women's Free Voice Collective"Read the letter written and read by the Collectif ‘La Voix libre des Femmes’ to mark 6 February 2025, International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital...
Launch of the End FGM e-Campus Platform
#e-learningLaunch of the End FGM e-Campus PlatformWe are pleased to announce the official launch of the "End FGM e-Campus", a new European online training platform dedicated to professionals working with people affected...
Conference ‘Prevent & protect’ & Femmage for the founder of GAMS Belgium
Seminar at the Senate on 6 February 2023Conference ‘Prevent & protect’ & Femmage for the founder of GAMS BelgiumOn February 6th, on the international day of the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), GAMS...
INTERVIEW WITH ONE OF ITS MANAGERS, MARIAMA BAHThe community voices program turns 10!You may have seen her on TV, heard her on the radio, or read her testimony in newspapers. This summer, we interviewed Mariama Bah. A...
SC-MGFONLINE WORKSHOPS of Concerted Strategies for Fighting Female Genital MutilationSince 2021, the Coordinated Strategies has organized several workshop series (in French) specifically for professionals involved in the...
Evras workshop
annual calendar cs-fgm 2024Evras workshopThe Coordinated Strategies to Combat FGM (CS-FGM) launch this year's new workshop series in French, the EVRAS series: shared responsibility between parents and professionals! We...
Towards the abandonment of female genital mutilationMemorandum “prevent and protect”According to UNICEF, at least 200 million girls and women currently living in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia have...
Order now the awareness-raising posters
Available resourcesOrder now the awareness-raising postersYou already know the ACCESS project and its online tools such as the awareness-raising videos on gender-based violence (GBV), the mapping of support services and...
Standards for Community-Based
Standards for Community-Based Services for Migrant Women and Girls affected by GBVStandards for Community-BasedDisplay the new ACCESS Community Standards poster in your premises to show that you meet the standards for...
New responsibilities within gams belgium
GAMS Belgium is part of a solid networkNew responsibilities within gams belgiumGAMS Belgium continues its commitment beyond the association! In recent weeks, several colleagues have taken on new leadership roles. Our...
GAMS’ team wishes for 2023!
GAMS’ team wishes for 2023!Each of us at GAMS Belgium would like to thank you for your support and commitment to our organisation. The year 2022 was rich in actions, trainings and partnerships. We wish our partners and...
The new president visits the Walloon branches
Diariou Sow, presidentThe new president visits the Walloon branchesTwo Wednesday mornings, two train journeys and Diariou Sow. Follow us on our visit with our new president, in Namur and in Liège, to meet the teams based...
Interview with Diariou Sow, GAMS’ new president
InterviewDiariou Sow, GAMS’ new presidentDiariou Seydi SOW is our new president since June 2022. A social worker by training, she knows GAMS well. In this interview, she tells us about each step of her journey leading...
A letter from the chairwoman, Diariou
A letter from the chairwoman, DiariouSince 2011, GAMS Belgium has been accompanying pregnant women during their pregnancy with workshops preparing for birth, as well as post-natal sessions with the babies. These...
Interview with pauline soupa: From volunteer to employee
InterviewInterview with pauline soupa: From volunteer to employeeSince its creation, GAMS Belgium has always been able to rely on committed individuals: midwives, translators, interpreters, childcare providers, support...
Interview with Mélanie, new GAMS coordinator in Wallonia!
InterviewInterview with Mélanie, new GAMS coordinator in Wallonia!Mélanie Jocquet has held the position of coordinator of GAMS Belgium activities in Wallonia and social worker since the beginning of 2020. She is based in...
Together, let’s make this trip a good memory!
GAMS Belgium campaignTogether, let’s make this trip a good memory!A few weeks before the holidays, GAMS Belgium is launching its awareness campaign to prevent female genital mutilation when returning to the homeland as...
Binta and Aïssatou testify thanks to the modelling of their vulva with the SEX-ED + project
Binta and Aïssatou testify thanks to the modelling of their vulva with the SEX-ED + projectDiscover the testimonies of Binta and Aïssatou, participants in an innovative collaboration between SEX ED+ and CeMAVIE. The two...
CASTS OF VULVA’s, an instrument towards female empowerment
CASTS OF VULVA’s, an instrument towards female empowermentFrom across the Atlantic, independent researcher Magaly Pirotte of SEX-ED + visited GAMS Belgium for two days and made ten casts of vulvas of women who had...
National awareness-raising campaign before the summer holidays
CAMPAIGNNational awareness-raising campaign before the summer holidaysA national campaign to prevent female genital mutilation (FGM) during the summer holidays was launched on May 23rd in Brussels. GAMS Belgium will...
For a better consideration of FGM in Belgium
By Daniela BishopFor a better consideration of FGM in BelgiumAs the federal legislative elections in Belgium approached on May 26, 2019, GAMS Belgium issued an advocacy note for an enhanced policy to address female...
Political demands: priorities 2019-2020
Priorities in the fight against FGMPolitical demands: priorities 2019-2020In its fight against female genital mutilation (FGM), one of the missions of GAMS Belgium is to raise political awareness of the needs on the...
FGM: The Belgian government must respect the rights of women in precarious situations
JOINT LETTERFGM: The Belgian government must respect the rights of women in precarious situationsOn the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on February 6th, GAMS...
#8march: The workers of GAMS Belgium are on strike
8 march, International Women's Rights Day#8march: The workers of GAMS Belgium are on strike"When women stop, the world stops." On March 8th and 9th, 2020, the 8 maars Collective calls upon the women* of Belgium to...
GAMS Belgium stands in solidarity with the Member of the European Parliament Pierrette Herzberg-Fofana
JOINT LETTERGAMS Belgium stands in solidarity with the Member of the European Parliament Pierrette Herzberg-FofanaFollowing the communication from the European Network End FGM (End FGM EU) in solidarity with Dr....
Belgium Reprimanded by the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts
press release dated 28 September 2020Belgium Reprimanded by the Council of Europe's Group of ExpertsPress Release from the Coalition "Together Against Violence," of which GAMS Belgium is a member: Belgium Reprimanded by...
Will the government let immigrants die?
JOINT LETTERWill the government let immigrants die?We know it: the life trajectories of undocumented individuals are marked by violence. Violence against those who have been living here for 5, 10, sometimes 20 years, to...
Combatting female genital mutilation in Belgium
Press releaseCombatting female genital mutilation in Belgium: striking disparities between the regions undermine prevention efforts and put children at riskAs the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital...
All women equal in asylum
8 March - International Women's Rights DayAll women equal in asylumOn this International Women's Rights Day, GAMS Belgium also wishes to express its support and invites you to sign the European feminist petition by the...
The therapeutic process as a tool for self-reconstruction
An article by Daniela BishopThe therapeutic process as a tool for self-reconstructionMaud Jeulin, psychologist at the Namur branch back then, involves in her work facilitating dialogue, focusing on desire, and...
6 February, International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGMInternational Day of Zero Tolerance to FGMIn 2012, the United Nations General Assembly designated February 6th as the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female...
Excision: What challenged for affected women in Belgium?
6 February, International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGMExcision: What challenges for affected women in Belgium?In the context of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (each year on February...
6 February, International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGMDid you see our giant clitoris?On Friday, February 4th, the team, nearly complete, with stickers and flyers, busied themselves at Place de la Monnaie. Our aim: to...
6 February, International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM“TOGETHER WITH GIRLS” AGAINST FGMFebruary 6th marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM. It’s an annual opportunity for GAMS Belgium to emphasize the need...
“THE CUT”: exploring FGM
6 February, International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGMThe cut : exploring FGMGAMS Belgium, Intact and End FGM invite you to the screening of the film “The Cut” by Al Jazeera, on the occasion of the International Day of...
Working with cultural diversity for frontline workers at care centres after sexual violence in Belgium
Training for professionalsWorking with cultural diversity for frontline workers at care centres after sexual violence in BelgiumGAMS Belgium was invited by IEFH (Institute for the Equality of Women and Men) on two...
Retrospective of 20 years of international cooperation with Fabienne Richard
international cooperationRetrospective of 20 years of international cooperation with Fabienne Richard – GAMS BelgiumThe holidays are coming to an end. So at GAMS Belgium, we wanted to continue taking you on a journey...
Online Workshop
Depuis 2021, le Réseau des Stratégies Concertées de lutte contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines (MGF) a organisé plusieurs séries d’ateliers spécifiquement pour les professionnel·le·s impliqué·e·s dans la prévention et la prise en charge de cette problème.