Binta and Aïssatou testify thanks to the modelling of their vulva with the SEX-ED + project
Discover the testimonies of Binta and Aïssatou, participants in an innovative collaboration between SEX ED+ and CeMAVIE. The two women, each affected by female genital mutilation, share their first impressions after an intense experience: modelling their vulva.

“Hello, would you like coffee or tea or would you like something to eat?” asks Cendrine, sexologist Vanderhoeven at CeMAViE, in a welcoming way. Women from Brussels and Wallonia arrive to take part in the vulva modelling project. Some come for the first time, others are loyal visitors. In the corridor, when they arrive, they can admire examples of vulva and penis reproductions in all sorts of colours. Some look wide-eyed, others smile…
“Hello, welcome to GAMS!” says Fabienne Richard, director of GAMS Belgium with a big smile. She has been waiting for this moment for two years. It is not just any moment for the researcher: “We are going to be able to educate the medical world with realistic 3D reproductions. This is unique! I am so happy! For training professionals it is an important strategic pillar at GAMS Belgium. Having educational tools on the anatomy of women who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) enables better care.
For the occasion, our psychologist’s office was transformed into a room for the participants. The cocoon was fitted with a curtain to create more privacy. Magaly, independent researcher and founder of the SEX ED+ project, works on sex education and sexual and reproductive health with an inclusive approach. She has been involved in defending sexual and reproductive rights for 15 years. With the SEX-ED+ project she creates educational materials representing the diversity of genital anatomy. With CeMAVIE and GAMS Belgium, she will have the opportunity to meet women who underwent FGM in order to diversify her research.
The researcher explains the whole process to Mariam, who settles on the mattress. “Imagine your vulva as a catwalk,” Magaly says, and laughter echoes through the room. She asks, “What made you decide to participate? Mariam replies, “The experience”. They make small talk. Naturally. There is a peaceful as well as powerful feminine atmosphere in the premises. It takes a full hour for each cast,” explains our partner who came from Quebec to carry out this project.
A participant arrives in the corridor. Cendrine and Fabienne are happy to show them the small collection of fluorescent genital models set up in the corridor. Meanwhile, I ask Binta if she is willing to do an interview in the main hall.
Binta (not her real name), is the first woman to participate in modelling the vulva. We settle comfortably in the chairs. The 24-year-old is the very first woman affected by FGM to participate in this educational project. Cendrine Vanderhoeven, sexologist at CeMAVIE, told her about the project.
“For me, it allows me to break what I call “the mirror” between healthcare providers and women concerned and also to help inform about the body of a woman affected by FGM. The type of female genital mutilation varies from woman to woman, from origin to origin.” explains Binta.
Depending on the practice, there are different types of female genital mutilation. Binta adds: “Mine was not too traumatised.” At CHU Saint Pierre, Binta was told that she had undergone FGM type 1. Through conversations with the sexologist, she learnt to get to know her genitals better and distinguish between the pain associated with the mutilation of her clitoris and the anatomy of her vulva.
You can sense a strong emotion in Binta’s voice when I ask her how she feels after this experience. After a moment of silence, she confides to me:
“I give, I receive. I make my body available for others to see. Sometimes I take pictures of my ‘thing’. One of my labia is bigger than the other, it is unpleasant but it has nothing to do with my FGM. I know and accept my body better. Now I look at it and say to myself, “Even though I don’t have everything (my clitoris), it’s also fine the way it is”. The fact of modelling and casting helps to see it differently. I became aware of certain details I wasn’t seeing. I love my body!
Moving on to the interview…
L: I’m going to say a word for two. How do you see your vulva after modelling?
B: As “The me on the other side”. It’s really a representation of me, of that part that was (a bit) frustrated. So I can say: it’s there and it’s mine.
L: What word would you use to talk about this experience?
B: Sharing
L: What would you say to a woman invited to do this modelling, to convince her to come and share?
B: It is worth the experience, it allows you to see the diversification of organs and be more open to yourself and others.
L: What can we wish you?
B: I want to continue to experience my body without pain.
L: Can you explain to us why it is important to reappropriate your body after being circumcised?
B: At the time of circumcision (FGM), no one there asked for my consent. My mother was asked the question. The doctor measured and asked her, “at that level, is it OK? ” I can still hear her reply: “No, cut it more, it’s too big”. I then disconnected myself from my body. It was someone else who decided. The difference with modelling is that I’m asked. They tell me and show me what they’re going to do, and that makes a difference. It allows me to reconcile with my body again.
L: What does that do to be the first to open that door ?
B: I am happy to participate in this project and I hope there are other participants. Every generation is different and I hope my generation will help break the ice and be able to talk about it without taboo.
Binta is moved, after a nice coffee and some sugar, she says goodbye and heads on her way.
Returning to the corridor.
Magaly explains the documents with questions about consent to one of the participants. They talk about how they lived the experience.
“I am learning to love myself as I am, but it isn’t easy. My friends say I am not like other women. So now I prefer to stay by myself and to get to know myself,” Aïssatou confides to Magaly.
Aïssatou came by train from Liège to participate in this project. This young woman of 34 underwent type 2 FGM. In her case itw as a mutilation of the clitoris and removal of her labia majora. Aïssatou is on the path of self love and has begun the process of clitoral restoration. She is accompanied by Cendrine Vanderhoeven.
“The team at CeMAVIE helped me a lot. Cendrine (sexologist) teaches me to love myself first and then others. ”
Aïssatou explains to me that she is “different” from her non-circumcised friends and those who underwent other types of FGM. “In my case, they removed the whole clitoris and the labia minora. That was very difficult to accept. At first, I was frustrated, but now I want to move forward. If I meet someone who wants to live with me, I will first explain what happened to me. If that person doesn’t accept that, they may leave. ”
L: What made you feel like participating in this project ?
A: I thought it would be an opportunity to see myself as I am. That experience taught me to see myself better and gave me more confidence. As soon as I removed the model, I looked and was proud of myself.
L: Magaly (Pirotte) asked you if you wanted a print, and you said yes. Can you tell us where you will put that print ? In your living room? In your bedroom?
A: I am going to keep it as a treasure in my room in a drawer of my bed. That way I can look at it every morning and gain more confidence. That way I can also remind myself that I am a strong woman.