GAMS near you

You will find all the numbers of the GAMS offices.

Call the nearest to you to make an appointment

In Brussel

Branch in Brussels

& The headquarters of GAMS Belgium

  • Phone: +32 (0) 2 219 43 40
  • Email:
  • Rue Gabrielle Petit, 6 – 1080 Saint Jean Molenbeek (building B – 2nd floor)
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

In Wallonia

Branch in Namur

Contact person: Mélanie Jocquet

  • Mélanie Jocquet
  • Phone: +32 (0) 493 49 29 50
  • Email:
  • Rue Henri Lecocq 60, 5000 Namur
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Branch in Liège

  • Louise Da Via
  • Phone: +32 (0) 43 77 45 40
  • Email:
  • Quai de Rome 65, 4000 Liège
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Permanence in CHR Verviers

  • Fos Mohamed Nur
  • Phone: +32 (0) 492 26 79 45
  • Email:
    Rue du Parc 29, 4800 Verviers
  • Friday afternoons

In Flanders

Branch in Antwerp: De Shelter

  • Mawda Abbas
  • Phone: +32 (0) 493 56 38 86
  • Email:
  • Langstraat 102, 2140 Antwerp

Permanence in Leuven: Outreach

  • Katrien De Koster
  • Phone: +32 (0) 495 93 93 18
  • Email:
  • Upon request, we come to you or your organization

Permanence in Gent: De Sloep VZW

  • Soumaya El Houbba
  • Phone: +32 (0) 493 40 52 90
  • Email:
  • Bevelandstraat 26, 9000 Gand

Permanence in Hasselt: Huis van het Kind

  • Ewout Gubbels
  • Phone: +32 (0) 493 35 15 47
  • Email:
  • Limburgplein 3, 3500 Hasselt