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Support GAMS Belgium and proudly show your commitment with our unique creations:
  • tote bags
  • t-shirts
  • and very soon our stickers
Une vie d’espoir

Une vie d’espoir

Book in french
Dans ce roman, inspiré de recueils de témoignages et de faits réels, plusieurs vies de femmes originaires de Guinée et d’ailleurs s’entremêlent en un portrait narré.

Poster – Vulva Moulding

Poster – Vulva Moulding

From across the Atlantic, independent researcher Magaly Pirotte from SEX-ED + spent two days at GAMS Belgium, making ten moulds of the vulvas of women who have undergone excision as part of an exchange project funded by Wallonie-Bruxelles International-Québec. The Centre Médical d’Aide aux Victimes de l’Excision (CeMAViE) at CHU Saint Pierre, GAMS Belgium and SEX-ED + worked together to produce reproductions of external genitalia.

My Clit’Collection

My Clit’Collection

The “My Clit’Collection” tote bags have been specially produced to support associations that fight against genital mutilation, that promote sexual and reproductive rights as an integral part of human rights, and that fight for respect for freedom, equality and dignity.

“Lâchez nous le clito”

“Lâchez nous le clito”

Would you like to proudly show your support for the fight against female genital mutilation? Treat yourself or your loved ones to one of our certified organic cotton t-shirts!

No to excision

No to excision

Would you like to proudly show your support for the fight against female genital mutilation? Treat yourself or your loved ones to one of our certified organic cotton t-shirts!

The G in Gams

The G in Gams

Would you like to proudly show your support for the fight against female genital mutilation? Treat yourself or your loved ones to one of our certified organic cotton t-shirts!
