You are a professional
Welcome to our page dedicated to professionals committed to the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM). This page has been designed to address your questions and provide a multitude of tools and crucial information.

Whether you are seeking educational resources, informative videos, tailored training, or practical advice, you will find a central hub here to strengthen your skills, broaden your understanding, and enhance your commitment to the prevention and eradication of FGM.
Join us in our common mission to promote awareness, education, and positive change in the fight against FGM!
What is FGM?
Genital mutilation or female genital mutilation is “procedures that intentionally alter or injure a woman’s external genitalia for non-medical reasons”. (WHO, 2014)
I am looking for tools
Explore our varied resources, from legal documents and informative videos to in-depth studies and inspiring seminars.
More to come !
The "détectomètre"
The détectomètre is designed for professionals. It aims to establish a referral protocol, help identify the actions to be taken to protect girls and ensure follow-up of a girl who has already been circumcised and of her sisters at risk of being circumcised, in dialogue, if possible, with the parents and the child.
I want to undergo training
GAMS Belgium invests in training for professionals in contact with people affected by FGM, in various sectors: social, health, education, asylum, police and early childhood.
Multidisciplinary care
The two multidisciplinary hospital centres in Belgium provide holistic care for women and girls who have undergone female genital mutilation.
Gender-based violence in the context of asylum
The “GBV & Asylum” hub contains 15 fact sheets aimed at improving the identification and support of people who have suffered gender-based violence (physical, psychological and/or sexual) throughout the Belgian reception network.