Legal ressources
GAMS Belgium provides several legal resources.

Case law chart
The legal team of GAMS Belgium monitors the case law of the Conseil du Contentieux des Étrangers (CCE/RvV) concerning applications for International Protection, filed by women/girls who are at risk of FGM and/or forced marriage, in accordance with the Geneva Convetion of 15 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees.
All judgments relating to FGM and gender-based violence, published since 2020, undergo a detailed analysis including the elements specific to the personal situation of the applicants as well as the factual and legal elements underlying the decision of the CCE/RvV. A search in the table can be conducted based on the 15 criteria examined.
Country report
This “country report” tool contains essential information on female genital mutilation worldwide and the associated honor-based violence.
It does not claim to be exhaustive. It includes the most recent reports and references older sources based on the frequency of publication of new documents.
The detectometer
an essential tool
Intended for professionals, it aims to establish an orientation protocol; it helps identify actions to be taken to protect girls and ensure follow-up for a girl already subjected to excision and her sisters at risk of undergoing it through dialogue, if possible, with the parents and the child.