GAMS Belgium
& expertise
The strength of GAMS Belgium lies in its bottom-up approach: all its field work with affected communities and professionals informs the content of its advocacy, which is grounded in the experiences of those affected.
With its multidisciplinary team (health, psychological, legal, community) and extensive experience, GAMS Belgium has become a recognized actor by ministries and public administrations in the development of guidelines or national campaigns. Armed with in-depth knowledge and solid expertise, we work tirelessly to create a meaningful impact at local, national, and international levels.

The expertise of GAMS
The expertise we bring is the result of years of experience, in-depth research, and strong partnerships with professionals from diverse backgrounds. We provide evidence-based analysis and informed recommendations in the field of female genital mutilation.
GAMS conducts its own operational research (the results of which will be used to improve field activities), initiates and disseminates research conducted by institutions such as the Observatory of Health and Sexualities, the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, or ICRH in Ghent.
Themes of research published by GAMS Belgium
Prevalence studies in Belgium
of men on the practice of excision
Sensitive search
Example of FGM
(in French)
GAMS annually mentors several students for their final projects, master’s theses in public health, or doctoral dissertations.
Within its team, GAMS Belgium has expertise in epidemiology (analyzing results of demographic and health studies), medical (guidelines for professionals), psychological (individual and group counseling), and socio-cultural (understanding practices of different ethnicities and communities).
Consequently, GAMS Belgium is regularly approached by ministerial offices, administrations, lawyers, and journalists to provide an overview in Belgium or abroad on the significance of issues and existing programs.
GAMS commits
Advocacy, at the core of our actions, is our tool to raise awareness, influence policies, and mobilize society in favor of the elimination of female genital mutilation.
We engage with policymakers, institutions, and key actors to promote informed policies and practices that respect human rights. Our collective voice rises to demand concrete and lasting changes.

Letter from “The Women’s Free Voice Collective”
open letterLetter from "The Women's Free Voice Collective"Read the letter written and read by the Collectif ‘La Voix libre des Femmes’ to mark 6 February 2025, International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital...
For a better consideration of FGM in Belgium
By Daniela BishopFor a better consideration of FGM in BelgiumAs the federal legislative elections in Belgium approached on May 26, 2019, GAMS Belgium issued an advocacy note for an enhanced policy to address female...
Political demands: priorities 2019-2020
Priorities in the fight against FGMPolitical demands: priorities 2019-2020In its fight against female genital mutilation (FGM), one of the missions of GAMS Belgium is to raise political awareness of the needs on the...
FGM: The Belgian government must respect the rights of women in precarious situations
JOINT LETTERFGM: The Belgian government must respect the rights of women in precarious situationsOn the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on February 6th, GAMS...
#8march: The workers of GAMS Belgium are on strike
8 march, International Women's Rights Day#8march: The workers of GAMS Belgium are on strike"When women stop, the world stops." On March 8th and 9th, 2020, the 8 maars Collective calls upon the women* of Belgium to...
GAMS Belgium stands in solidarity with the Member of the European Parliament Pierrette Herzberg-Fofana
JOINT LETTERGAMS Belgium stands in solidarity with the Member of the European Parliament Pierrette Herzberg-FofanaFollowing the communication from the European Network End FGM (End FGM EU) in solidarity with Dr....
Belgium Reprimanded by the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts
press release dated 28 September 2020Belgium Reprimanded by the Council of Europe's Group of ExpertsPress Release from the Coalition "Together Against Violence," of which GAMS Belgium is a member: Belgium Reprimanded by...
Will the government let immigrants die?
JOINT LETTERWill the government let immigrants die?We know it: the life trajectories of undocumented individuals are marked by violence. Violence against those who have been living here for 5, 10, sometimes 20 years, to...
All women equal in asylum
8 March - International Women's Rights DayAll women equal in asylumOn this International Women's Rights Day, GAMS Belgium also wishes to express its support and invites you to sign the European feminist petition by the...